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ATLAS for Alumni: About

What is ATLAS for Alumni?

ATLAS for Alumni is an online full-text collection of major religion and theology journals used by libraries, librarians, scholars, students, and religious leaders. More information is available online.

ATLAS for Alumni provides links to full text articles only; alumni can access ATLA Religion Database and its comprehensive index of citations onsite in the library while connected to the university's Wi-Fi.

Follow the instructions in the steps below to request access to ATLAS for Alumni.

Step 1: Request access to ATLAS for Alumni

Access to ATLAS for Alumni is restricted to alumni of Ambrose University and its former and founding schools. To request login credentials, follow the link below to go to the Alumni page and fill in the ATLAS for Alumni form (scroll to the bottom of the page to find this form):

Click here to go to the Alumni page

Step 2: Look for an email with an activation link

Library staff will confirm your alumni status within 5 business days—thank you for your patience!

Once you're confirmed as an alum, you will receive an automated email from asking you to activate your ATLAS for Alumni account. You will also be prompted to create a password.

Click here to go to the ATLAS for Alumni database

Select Ambrose University Alumni and Guests on the login page:

screenshot of ATLAS for Alumni login screen

Enter your email address and the password you created to gain access to ATLAS for Alumni.

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