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Donating Books to Ambrose Library: About

Thank you for thinking of the Ambrose Library collection!

As a rule, we accept donated books to our collection based on the same criteria as purchased material. The biggest determinant on whether we bring any book into our collection (new or preowned) is whether the information will support the current curriculum and research needs of the Ambrose community.

After a book has been determined to meet this informational need, we take other factors into account, such as:

  • Does the book already exist in the collection? We don't typically acquire more than 1 copy of a book.
  • Does the book have a newer edition? We typically acquire the newest editions of books and discard older editions to ensure information is accurate and current. 
  • Is the book in good condition? For preowned books, we look for like new or very good condition with no markings inside. 

To determine if your books meet these criteria, please send a list of the books' titles and authors to We will compare this list against the books in our collection and get back to you regarding the titles we are able to accept.

Depending on ongoing work and staff availability, we may not be able to get back to you with a final decision for a few weeks. We're also unable to receive the physical books before this process due to space constraints in the library.

For these reasons, we understand if you're eager to find a new home for your books and can't wait this long! We've successfully referred others to Christian Salvage Mission who have a Calgary office; if you call them, they can arrange to come to you and retrieve Christian materials for redistributing world-wide.

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