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Renew Your Books: Community Borrowers & Ambrose Alumni

How do I renew my books online?

1. Go to the login screen and click Alumni & Community:

2. Enter the email address from your library account and click Send:

Screenshot of the login screen asking Community Borrower to enter their email address and click Send.

3. You'll see a message that an email has been sent to you:

Screenshot of the login screen showing the message "An email with the login link has been sent to" your email address.

4. Go to your email and look for a message from You may have to check your spam folder if this address is not in your contacts. In the email, click the click here link:

Screenshot of the email that appears in your inbox with a link saying "click here."

5. The link will bring you into your account. Click your name and select My Loans:

Screenshot of library account once logged in, highlighting your name (in the top-right corner) and the My Loans option in the drop-down menu.

6. Click Renew All to renew all the books you have signed out:

Screenshot of the My Loans section of your library account. Shows the Renew All button highlighted.

NOTE: You will not be able to renew a book if an Ambrose patron has requested it or if you have reached your maximum 8-week loan period.
Any books you're unable to renew can be returned inside the library during open hours or in the outside book return bin while the library is closed.

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