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Research Data Management at Ambrose

Purpose of this guide

Ambrose University Library and Research Office support faculty and researchers through the research data management process:

  • Creating research data management plans including application of appropriate tools and templates
  • Finding and using suitable repositories for storing, preserving, and sharing research data
  • Helping to ensure compliance with funding agencies and institutional requirements

This guide gives researchers at Ambrose an introduction to research data management (RDM) and outlines best practices and steps to consider.

Introduction to research data management

Research data management (RDM) is the process of managing the creation, collection, organization, documentation, storage, sharing, and preservation of research data.

RDM best practices support research excellence by promoting good stewardship of research data, and increasing their integrity, visibility, and impact. These practices include creating a data management plan (DMP) and using a data repository to ensure long-term preservation of research data. Good research data management also helps to ensure adherence to disciplinary standards, and compliance with funding agencies and institutional policies.

One of the major drivers of RDM in Canada is the Tri-Agency Research Data Management Policy which was launched March 2021. There are three components to this policy which are being implemented in stages:

      1.  Starting Fall 2022 select funding opportunities will require that DMPs be included in the application process

      2.  Ambrose University must publish its RDM Strategy and notify the agencies of its completion by March 2023

      3.  The agencies will phase in the data deposit requirement at a later point

The first iteration of Ambrose University's Research Data Management Strategy was published in March 2023. This document articulates the institution's commitment to cultivating sound research data management practices and supporting faculty and researchers in their effort to meet RDM requirements.