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Google Scholar: How do I search it for a citation?

How can I search for a specific article using Google Scholar?

During your research, if you find a citation for an article but it doesn't have the full text, use Google Scholar's advanced search to search for the title.

Note: You'll need to link the library's resources to Google Scholar to follow the steps below successfully.


1. Go to Google Scholar and select Advanced Search under the menu:

Screenshot of Google Scholar's homepage showing the menu button selected in the top-left corner and the Advanced Search button circled

2. Paste the title of the article into the "with the exact phrase" box, and select to search "in the title of the article." Click the search button:

Screenshot of Google Scholar's Advanced Search page. Arrow indicates clicking the magnifying glass or Search button after pasting the title of a citation into the "with the exact phrase" search box and selecting the "in the title of the article" option.

3. You'll see a PDF or HTML link if the full text is available through an open source platform, or a findit@ambrose link if the library has full text through one of its databases:

Screenshot of a sample Google Scholar search showing findit@ambrose link to bring you to the full text.

4. Clicking these links brings you directly to the full text, when it's available. If you're off campus, you'll be prompted to log in with your Ambrose email and email password. You can see the result below includes the full text as it is 37 pages long. Use the download or print icons to save a copy of the article.

Screenshot of a sample article in a journal article database. There is a circle around the page count to show that the full article (37 pages) is available. There is a circle around the print and download icons.

Note: If you don't see these links next to an article or they don't bring you to the full text, contact the library for help. Some documents will be unavailable online, but they may be available in the library building or through interlibrary loan.

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