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Films on Demand is a multidisciplinary video database that provides access to documentaries, TV shows, and news footage in the following subject areas:
Films on Demand's homepage features galleries of recently added materials, current events, seasonal observances, and featured producers:
Click the Menu button to the left of the Films on Demand logo to browse Subjects, Popular Categories, or Featured Producers (click View All to show all available options):
All options in the lists of Subjects, Popular Categories, and Featured Producers are clickable links; this example will show the Music & Dance category:
The category pages have handy tools:
If you know the name of the video you're looking for, you can enter it in the search box at the top of any page, or click Advanced Search for more search options:
This example uses the search "mindful earth." Note that the terms are in quotation marks ( " ) which tells the search system to look for these words in exactly this order; without the quotation marks, the system looks for records that include the words "mindful" and "earth" but not necessarily in that order:
The search results screen has the same handy tools as the browse screen (e.g., filters, options for sorting, and the page link button), but it also allows you to save your search by clicking the folder button:
Note: This Save Search functionality requires you to create a free Films on Demand account; see the Your Profile tab in this box for more information!
On all pages in Films on Demand, you'll see the Your Profile button at the top of the page:
Click this to create or log into your free Films on Demand account:
Now that you're logged in, you'll be able to save searches; you can organize your saved searches into folders, using any naming convention that is useful to you:
To access your saved searches, click your name in the top-right corner of any page, and then click the My Content option in the pop-up:
In My Content, you can see all your saved search folders: