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There are several free online Bible tools that allow you to search for words in the Biblical text. You may find the following helpful, but be wary of other tools provided on some of these sites; they are free and likely less scholarly than what faculty will expect for reliable source material. If you have questions about the suitability of these tools for your course work, consider checking with your instructor.
STEPBible is a fairly robust online Bible study tool that allows for searching in many languages, including the original Hebrew and Greek. There is an extensive how-to guide if you need guidance on how to best use this tool.
BibleWebApp is an online Bible study application tool with features for studying Greek and Hebrew developed by Digital Bible Society.
Blue Letter Bible allows for English, Hebrew, and Greek concordance searching.
BibleGateway is designed to allow for easy reading, listening, studying, searching, and sharing of the Bible in many different versions and translations.
The Bible Tool provides access to texts in the original languages (some grammatically tagged and searchable), numerous translations, and powerful search capabilities.
Bible Hub provides free, online access to older Bible study tools, including a Bible Atlas, dictionaries, concordances, and the BDB Hebrew lexicon.
Bible Odyssey seeks to inform the general public about the content of the Bible and the critical approaches to it. Supported by the Society of Biblical Literature the website offers articles by scholarly experts, a Bible dictionary, timelines, and maps.
There are many Bible software programs available for free or for purchase that you can download, install, and use on your own devices. The 5 below run on MacOS and Windows and offer mobile versions.
Accordance Bible Software provides Bible study tools including advanced searching, tools to study the original languages, and offers a library of dictionaries, commentaries, and other writings related to the Bible. This software must be purchased.
e-Sword has a library of Bibles, Greek and Hebrew texts, commentaries, dictionaries, and more. This software is free, although you can purchase upgrade modules as well as more modern translations of the Bible, and more current commentaries.
Laridian PocketBible was designed as a mobile app so it doesn't take much space to install on your device; this may be useful for users who have older computers. Advanced features are available for purchase, but the basic software is free.
Logos Bible Software is a Bible study and sermon prep platform that allows you to study Scripture and consult commentaries, devotionals, Bible dictionaries, and more, all from your computer, tablet, or phone. Their basic package is free.
Olive Tree Bible Software offers more audiobook content than other programs. Their basic book reader is free to download, however, you can buy books to add.
Digital Theological Library - Open Access contains books, articles, journals, and special databases, all of which are open access. Supports searching in multiple languages.
Best Commentaries is a website featuring recommendations, reviews, and ratings of biblical and theological resources by scholars, seminaries, and universities.