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Student Printer


Scan your card to log into the student printer. If you don't have your card with you, click the keyboard icon on the top right of the printer screen and type in your Ambrose username and password (the same as your email/Moodle account).

You'll see the following screen after logging in. Click the Email button to scan to email:

Screenshot of printer screen showing the Email button highlighted

Click Add Me to quickly add your Ambrose email, or click Manual Entry if you want to add a personal email address:

Screenshot of Email screen on printer showing the Add Me and Manual Entry buttons highlighted

Click the Preview slider button if you want to scan multiple pages into a single document:

Screenshot of Email screen with preview slider button highlighted

Open the printer, position the document/page on the glass lined up to the green arrow in the top-left corner, and then scroll down in the menu and use the Original Size option to specify the area you want to scan. Click the Preview button to scan your first page:

Screenshot of Email screen with preview button highlighted in top-right corner

The screen will now show you a preview of your scan. Open the printer, position the next document/page, close the printer. Click the button to add it to the preview. When you're done scanning, click the Submit button to send the scan to your email.

Scrrenshot of the print preview screen with the plus symbol button and Submit button highlighted

If you want to scan to USB instead of email, click the Scan To button on the home screen and select the USB option:

Screenshot of printer home screen with Scan To button highlighted

Screenshot of Scan To screen with USB option highlighted


Scan your card to log into the student printer. If you don't have your card with you, click the keyboard icon on the top right of the printer screen and type in your Ambrose username and password (the same as your email/Moodle account).

You'll see the following screen after logging in. Click the Copy button to make a print copy of a document/page(s) from a book:

Screenshot of the printer home screen with the Copy button highlighted

Scroll down in the menu and use the Original Size options as needed to specify the size of your document. Open the printer to place pages from within a book directly on the glass lined up to the green arrow in the top-left corner, or, if you have loose pages, place them in the tray on top of the printer, printed side up. Specify the number of copies you want, and click Start to copy.

Screenshot of the Copy screen with the Start button highlighted