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Science Resources

Technology Basics

The library's Technology Basics guide is to help Ambrose students bridge gaps in the technological knowledge and skills necessary to be successful their coursework.

For assistance with hardware and software troubleshooting please contact Ambrose Helpdesk by emailing or calling 403-410-2930.

Printing & Copying

The student printer is near the computer stations in the centre of the library. Scanning to email is free, but to print or photocopy, you will need to have a print balance on your account. 

Please refer to the Student Printer guide for more information.

If you are a Community Borrower, you won't be able to print or photocopy, however, you can borrow the Guest Scanning card from library staff to scan pages of books to your email.

Study Rooms

There are 4 study rooms available in the library for students to book. Please refer to the Book a Study Room page for policies and to reserve a study room.

Distance Students

If you're a distance student at Ambrose University, please refer to information about our available services on our Distance Students page.

Search "Clean-Up"

If you find citations during your database or catalogue searching and the full text is not available, there may still be a way to access the full text!

  • Consider setting up Google Scholar to search all the library's electronic resources. Follow these steps for connecting Google Scholar to the library's resources and then searching it for a citation.
  • If this doesn't find the full text, you're welcome to submit an interlibrary loan request. Library staff will do their best to find you the full text from another library's collection. Please note that it can take up to 10 days to receive requested material.

Need help? Contact Us!
